الأربعاء، 30 يونيو 2010

Things to know about LIBYA

There are bigger supermarkets in the city should you require it. One of them shopping mall Suka Talyat (Blue Supermarket) and Al Mahari.
Along Gargaresh Road there is a German supermarket (called Souk Sharouk) that often has things that the other local markets do not have.
Along this road there is also a stretch called “The Arches” that have some take out restaurants, a supermarket and butcher.
Gargaresh has many clothing stores, shoe shops and furniture/home décor stores. They tend to be pricey and one can find similar stuff for cheaper if you look around.
A market called Abu Saliem is known for their carpets and clothing.
A Friday market is available for fruit and vegetables and acts as a “flea market”
Gorgi is another road famous for its furniture, home décor, computer shops and hardwares.
It sports a really good bakery that sells amazing chocolate filled doughnuts!
Of course let’s not forget the old market or souk! A great source of trinkets, copper, mats, Libyan memorabilia and some super restaurants. A gold souk of course and many more!
Well worth the visit! A must in fact.

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