الأعياد الوطنية
1 سبتمبر - عيد ثورة الفاتح من سبتمبر.
2 مارس - ذكرى إعلان قيام سلطة الشعب.
28 مارس - ذكرى إجلاء القواعد البريطانية.
7 أكتوبر - ذكرى إجلاء بقايا الطليان.
11 يونيو - ذكرى إجلاء القواعد الأمريكية (قاعدة ويلوس الجوية في طرابلس، حاليا مطار مدني).
[عدل] الأعياد الدينية
عيد الفطر (ثلاث أيام) 1,2,3, شوال
عيد الأضحى (ثلاث أيام) 10,11,12, ذي الحجة
المولد النبوي (يوم واحد) 12 ربيع الأول
الأربعاء، 30 يونيو 2010
المطارات والمواني في ليبيا
المطارات والموانئ
طائرة ليبية[عدل] المطارات
مطار طرابلس العالمي
مطار معيتيقة الدولي
مطار بنينة الدولي ببنغازي.
مطار سبها الدولي
مطار سرت الدولي
مطار مصراتة المدني
هناك مطارات داخلية في : غدامس، طبرق، الأبرق، غات، البريقة، الكفرة، زوارة، بني وليد
[عدل] الموانئ
ميناء طرابلس البحري
ميناء بنغازي البحري
ميناء مصراتة
ميناء الخمس
ميناء طبرق
ميناء زوارة
ميناء درنه
ميناء سرت تحت الانشاء
مواني نفطية مثل: البريقة، ميناء الحريقة طبرق ورأس لانوف
طائرة ليبية[عدل] المطارات
مطار طرابلس العالمي
مطار معيتيقة الدولي
مطار بنينة الدولي ببنغازي.
مطار سبها الدولي
مطار سرت الدولي
مطار مصراتة المدني
هناك مطارات داخلية في : غدامس، طبرق، الأبرق، غات، البريقة، الكفرة، زوارة، بني وليد
[عدل] الموانئ
ميناء طرابلس البحري
ميناء بنغازي البحري
ميناء مصراتة
ميناء الخمس
ميناء طبرق
ميناء زوارة
ميناء درنه
ميناء سرت تحت الانشاء
مواني نفطية مثل: البريقة، ميناء الحريقة طبرق ورأس لانوف
السياحة في ليبيا
ليبيا من الدول السياحية الطرية التي لم يسوّق لها إعلاميًا كوجهة سياحية إلا بشكل بسيط وخجول بسبب الحصار واعتماد الدولة على موارد النفط بشكل كامل ،إلا أنه في السنوات الأخيرة بدأ المشهد السياحي في ليبيا آخذ في النمو بعد رفع الحظر الجوي وتطبيع العلاقات مع الغرب ،فقد شهدت العاصمة طرابلس خلال السنوات الأخيرة نهضة عمرانية شملت إنشاء فنادق ومراكز تسوق وتحديث شبكات الطرق والبدء في تنفيذ مطار طرابلس العالمي الجديد والقادر على تقديم الخدمات ل20 مليون مسافر سنوياً ،كما شهدت مدينة بنغازي ثاني كبرى المدن إطلاق مشروع بنغازي 2025 ،كما أن مشاريع بناء المنتجعات السياحية انطلقت في مناطق الجبل الأخضر وزوارة ومناطق أخرى، وقد استفادت الدولة من الطفرة النفطية الأخيرة في دعم البنية التحتية الأساسية للسياحة.
فندق تبستي بمدينة بنغازيخصائص ليبيا السياحية
تعتبر ليبيا أكبر دولة يوجد بها اثار رومانية خارج إيطاليا.
تمتلك أحد أطول السواحل على البحر الأبيض المتوسط صالح للاستثمار السياحي.
تمتلك واحدة من أكبر الصحاري العجيبة في العالم والتي تستهوي السواح المولعين برحلات السفاري.
تمتلك مناطق ساحرة بطبيعتها الخلابة في شرق ليبيا بمنطقة الجبل الأخضر والتي تفوق مساحتها مساحة لبنان
تمتلك تاريخ اغريقي روماني تركي إيطالي في لبدة وصبراته وشحات وفي طلميثة وسوسة ويوسبريدس وتوكرة وقصر ليبيا.
تمتلك المناخ الجيد " مناخ البحر الأبيض المتوسط " المعتدل
تمتلك القدرة علي جذب السياح إليها لأن ليبيا تصنف كمقصد سياحي جديد واعد.
قدرة القطاع السياحي على جذب الاستثمارات التي تخلق توازنا في الميزانية العامة للدولة والتي تعتمد حاليا بشكل كامل على قطاع النفط والغاز.
فندق تبستي بمدينة بنغازيخصائص ليبيا السياحية
تعتبر ليبيا أكبر دولة يوجد بها اثار رومانية خارج إيطاليا.
تمتلك أحد أطول السواحل على البحر الأبيض المتوسط صالح للاستثمار السياحي.
تمتلك واحدة من أكبر الصحاري العجيبة في العالم والتي تستهوي السواح المولعين برحلات السفاري.
تمتلك مناطق ساحرة بطبيعتها الخلابة في شرق ليبيا بمنطقة الجبل الأخضر والتي تفوق مساحتها مساحة لبنان
تمتلك تاريخ اغريقي روماني تركي إيطالي في لبدة وصبراته وشحات وفي طلميثة وسوسة ويوسبريدس وتوكرة وقصر ليبيا.
تمتلك المناخ الجيد " مناخ البحر الأبيض المتوسط " المعتدل
تمتلك القدرة علي جذب السياح إليها لأن ليبيا تصنف كمقصد سياحي جديد واعد.
قدرة القطاع السياحي على جذب الاستثمارات التي تخلق توازنا في الميزانية العامة للدولة والتي تعتمد حاليا بشكل كامل على قطاع النفط والغاز.
ليبيا دولة عربية تقع في شمال أفريقيا على الساحل الجنوبي للبحر الأبيض المتوسط. يحدها من الشرق مصر، ومن الجنوب الشرقي السودان، ومن الجنوب تشاد والنيجر، ومن الغرب الجزائر ومن الشمال الغربي تونس. اسمها الرسمي الجماهيرية العربية الليبية الشعبية الاشتراكية العظمى ومختصرا "الجماهيرية العظمى".
وهي دولة عضو في عدد من المنظمات والتجمعات الإقليمية والدولية بينها منظمة الأمم المتحدة، الاتحاد الأفريقي، اتحاد المغرب العربي، جامعة الدول العربية، حركة عدم الإنحياز، منظمة المؤتمر الإسلامي ومنظمة الدول المصدرة للنفط.
عدد سكان ليبيا ضئيل مقارنة بمساحة البلاد، حيث تبلغ مساحتها 1,759,540 كم مربع (679,182 ميل مربع)، وتعد السابعة عشرة على مستوى العالم من حيث المساحة[2]، كما أنها تملك أطول ساحل بين الدول المطلة على البحر المتوسط يبلغ طوله حوالي 1.955 كم.[3] تاريخياً تكونت من ثلاثة أقاليم إقليم طرابلس (تريبوليتانيا) برقة (سيرينايكا) وفزان. ويعتبر علم ليبيا العلم الوحيد في عالم من لون واحد.[4]
وهي دولة عضو في عدد من المنظمات والتجمعات الإقليمية والدولية بينها منظمة الأمم المتحدة، الاتحاد الأفريقي، اتحاد المغرب العربي، جامعة الدول العربية، حركة عدم الإنحياز، منظمة المؤتمر الإسلامي ومنظمة الدول المصدرة للنفط.
عدد سكان ليبيا ضئيل مقارنة بمساحة البلاد، حيث تبلغ مساحتها 1,759,540 كم مربع (679,182 ميل مربع)، وتعد السابعة عشرة على مستوى العالم من حيث المساحة[2]، كما أنها تملك أطول ساحل بين الدول المطلة على البحر المتوسط يبلغ طوله حوالي 1.955 كم.[3] تاريخياً تكونت من ثلاثة أقاليم إقليم طرابلس (تريبوليتانيا) برقة (سيرينايكا) وفزان. ويعتبر علم ليبيا العلم الوحيد في عالم من لون واحد.[4]
Recreation in and around Tripoli:
Clubs and places to ask about.
Diving & beaches
Quiz nights
Archeological society archsoctripoli@yahoo.com
Ten pin bowling
Clubs and places to ask about.
Diving & beaches
Quiz nights
Archeological society archsoctripoli@yahoo.com
Ten pin bowling
Libyan people really appreciate it when you greet them in Arabic, so here are some useful Arabic words.
Hello Assalam Alaikom
Good morning Sabah al khair
Thank you Shookran
Yes Na’am
No La
I hope so/ God willing Inshallah
Good bye Ma ‘a salaamah
It’s a pleasure/you’re welcome Afwan
Hello Assalam Alaikom
Good morning Sabah al khair
Thank you Shookran
Yes Na’am
No La
I hope so/ God willing Inshallah
Good bye Ma ‘a salaamah
It’s a pleasure/you’re welcome Afwan
Holy Month of Ramadan:
The month of Ramadan varies slightly from year to year. Literally translated Ramadan means “drying up”.
It is believed that, for 11 months of the year people look after their bodies, and this is the one month where the soul is looked after over the body. It is forbidden to eat, drink or smoke during daylight hours, and this is marked from the early morning call to prayer to the sunset one.
The concept is that when you don’t eat or drink your sins dissolve and God forgives you. At this time a person resembles an Angel because you are not taking care of the body. This month is seen as exercise for the soul.
During Ramadan eating and drinking starts after sunset prayer.
” The experience of fasting during Ramadan, which comes during the different seasons over the years since it is calculated by the moon, is of genuine advantage to the believer. It is a practical exercise of will, self control and civil conduct. After a few days of fasting, one develops the power of restraint and rejoices in his ability to master his own desires and eccentricities. Fasting has a spiritual as well as physical aspect.”
{Concept of Islam, Mahmoud Abu-Saud. P111}
Muslims also believe Ramadan can help them empathize with the poor who often go hungry.
The call to prayer is called the athan. This occurs 5 times a day, and the time which they occur varies according to the season.
The “call to prayer” is performed by a man called moathin.
** Shortly after you arrive, the Holy Month of Ramadan will start. It is advisable to be aware of what this entails, so that no offence is caused and respect is shown to the local people and their customs.
During the Holy Month of Ramadan where Muslims do not eat, drink or smoke from sunrise to sunset, it is illegal to eat, drink or smoke in public during the hours of daylight, from sunrise to sunset.
The month of Ramadan varies slightly from year to year. Literally translated Ramadan means “drying up”.
It is believed that, for 11 months of the year people look after their bodies, and this is the one month where the soul is looked after over the body. It is forbidden to eat, drink or smoke during daylight hours, and this is marked from the early morning call to prayer to the sunset one.
The concept is that when you don’t eat or drink your sins dissolve and God forgives you. At this time a person resembles an Angel because you are not taking care of the body. This month is seen as exercise for the soul.
During Ramadan eating and drinking starts after sunset prayer.
” The experience of fasting during Ramadan, which comes during the different seasons over the years since it is calculated by the moon, is of genuine advantage to the believer. It is a practical exercise of will, self control and civil conduct. After a few days of fasting, one develops the power of restraint and rejoices in his ability to master his own desires and eccentricities. Fasting has a spiritual as well as physical aspect.”
{Concept of Islam, Mahmoud Abu-Saud. P111}
Muslims also believe Ramadan can help them empathize with the poor who often go hungry.
The call to prayer is called the athan. This occurs 5 times a day, and the time which they occur varies according to the season.
The “call to prayer” is performed by a man called moathin.
** Shortly after you arrive, the Holy Month of Ramadan will start. It is advisable to be aware of what this entails, so that no offence is caused and respect is shown to the local people and their customs.
During the Holy Month of Ramadan where Muslims do not eat, drink or smoke from sunrise to sunset, it is illegal to eat, drink or smoke in public during the hours of daylight, from sunrise to sunset.
Things to know about LIBYA
Libya is a relatively liberal country but respect for the Islamic tradition is expected.
Females should keep shoulders and tops of arms covered and do not show cleavage or midriff.
Skirts and trousers should be worn below the knee - ¾ length trousers and Capri trousers are fine. The wearing shorts in public is not appropriate.
For men, T-shirts with sleeves are preferable and shorts should be ¾ length.
During your time in Libya you may well be invited into an Arab home. Libyans and other Arab nationals are warm and generous in their hospitality and enjoy using their knowledge of English to get to know all about you.
Here are a few tips on the Arabic culture that may avoid embarrassment for you.
Females are often given priority in queues in public places where lines are not segregated.
Be aware when out in public places as queues are often segregated.
Alcohol and pork products are illegal.
When entering a shop or public building, do acknowledge the person serving you before dealing with a transaction.
Don’t turn your back on someone you are conversing with.
Walk on the right hand side of a footpath / stairs / escalator
Give way to the person on your right when entering a doorway or lift.
Avoid refusing hospitality unless you have a very good reason
Flowers for the hostess are a very acceptable gift.
Take your shoes off at the door of the house.
Do not put your feet up on the table, or show the sole of your foot.
When eating food with your fingers, use the right hand.
Woman should not offer their hand when meeting unknown men; take the lead from the man.
Men should not offer their hand to a woman; take your lead from the woman.
There should be no display of affection in public between men and woman.
A man and woman who are unrelated should not be alone together in a car, room or apartment.
Females should keep shoulders and tops of arms covered and do not show cleavage or midriff.
Skirts and trousers should be worn below the knee - ¾ length trousers and Capri trousers are fine. The wearing shorts in public is not appropriate.
For men, T-shirts with sleeves are preferable and shorts should be ¾ length.
During your time in Libya you may well be invited into an Arab home. Libyans and other Arab nationals are warm and generous in their hospitality and enjoy using their knowledge of English to get to know all about you.
Here are a few tips on the Arabic culture that may avoid embarrassment for you.
Females are often given priority in queues in public places where lines are not segregated.
Be aware when out in public places as queues are often segregated.
Alcohol and pork products are illegal.
When entering a shop or public building, do acknowledge the person serving you before dealing with a transaction.
Don’t turn your back on someone you are conversing with.
Walk on the right hand side of a footpath / stairs / escalator
Give way to the person on your right when entering a doorway or lift.
Avoid refusing hospitality unless you have a very good reason
Flowers for the hostess are a very acceptable gift.
Take your shoes off at the door of the house.
Do not put your feet up on the table, or show the sole of your foot.
When eating food with your fingers, use the right hand.
Woman should not offer their hand when meeting unknown men; take the lead from the man.
Men should not offer their hand to a woman; take your lead from the woman.
There should be no display of affection in public between men and woman.
A man and woman who are unrelated should not be alone together in a car, room or apartment.
Places of Interest:
The tourist infrastructure in Libya is still in a developmental stage. The very nature of life in Libya means there can be the occasional hiccup and services can sometimes be erratic.
(Service in hotels is generally not to a European standard and you may experience deficiencies in such matters as bathroom maintenance, restaurant services and general upkeep.)
All visitors to Tripoli should be people who remain good-humored in the face of less-than-perfect or unexpected situations. However, we feel sure that the opportunity to come and experience this beautiful and fascinating country as yet unblemished by mass tourism will more than compensate for any such occurrences.
Libya is a photographer's dream but be sure to protect your camera from dust and sand - a good cleaning kit is essential.
Be very careful in towns and even some rural areas not to photograph any security installations such as police stations, the military, etc.
Do not take photographs of women without permission though long shots of market scenes are generally fine.
There may be a payable fee of 5LD for still cameras and 10LD for video in some areas that you visit.
Tripoli and Libya are historical havens and there is so much to see and explore. Here are a few just to wet your appetite:
The Meddina: the centre of Tripoli with Roman ruins and a castle converted into the museum .
Guryan: a pottery haven- you can buy from tagines to bowls to pots to mosaics. Not to mention a great visit to the underground house- which is over 300 years old!
Sabratha: This is a fantastic historic site, in an evocative location on the coast less than an hour from Tripoli and it needs the best part of a day to see the ruins.
Leptis Magna: The most extensive ruins! There is so much beauty, so many details to see.
Ghadames: Experience the oasis and old style living in the desert…
** With the correct attitude and understanding of life in Tripoli, respecting the traditions of the Muslims your stay here will be culturally rewarding and enriching.
Things to know about LIBYA
There are bigger supermarkets in the city should you require it. One of them shopping mall Suka Talyat (Blue Supermarket) and Al Mahari.
Along Gargaresh Road there is a German supermarket (called Souk Sharouk) that often has things that the other local markets do not have.
Along this road there is also a stretch called “The Arches” that have some take out restaurants, a supermarket and butcher.
Gargaresh has many clothing stores, shoe shops and furniture/home décor stores. They tend to be pricey and one can find similar stuff for cheaper if you look around.
A market called Abu Saliem is known for their carpets and clothing.
A Friday market is available for fruit and vegetables and acts as a “flea market”
Gorgi is another road famous for its furniture, home décor, computer shops and hardwares.
It sports a really good bakery that sells amazing chocolate filled doughnuts!
Of course let’s not forget the old market or souk! A great source of trinkets, copper, mats, Libyan memorabilia and some super restaurants. A gold souk of course and many more!
Well worth the visit! A must in fact.
There are bigger supermarkets in the city should you require it. One of them shopping mall Suka Talyat (Blue Supermarket) and Al Mahari.
Along Gargaresh Road there is a German supermarket (called Souk Sharouk) that often has things that the other local markets do not have.
Along this road there is also a stretch called “The Arches” that have some take out restaurants, a supermarket and butcher.
Gargaresh has many clothing stores, shoe shops and furniture/home décor stores. They tend to be pricey and one can find similar stuff for cheaper if you look around.
A market called Abu Saliem is known for their carpets and clothing.
A Friday market is available for fruit and vegetables and acts as a “flea market”
Gorgi is another road famous for its furniture, home décor, computer shops and hardwares.
It sports a really good bakery that sells amazing chocolate filled doughnuts!
Of course let’s not forget the old market or souk! A great source of trinkets, copper, mats, Libyan memorabilia and some super restaurants. A gold souk of course and many more!
Well worth the visit! A must in fact.
Things to know about LIBYA
Libya is GMT + 2.
Tripoli is located on the Mediterranean coast and is relatively pleasant even in summer time, but some years the temperatures can reach the level of 40°C, especially in July/August. Winter in this region often brings rain and cold nights. The spring can offer an unpleasant experience of fast increase in the temperatures, when it can be up to 40-45°C. Temperatures can drop slightly inland. Be sure to bring a coat and some warm clothes as well as cool summer clothes.
Winter (F) Min: 44-47 Max: 64-66 / (C) Min: 7-8 Max: 18-19
Spring (F) Min: 48-62 Max: 71-88 / (C) Min: 9-16 Max: 22-31
(Note that during the spring period, the "ghibli" wind can send temperatures soaring temporarily.)
Summer (F) Min: 67-72 Max: 93-97 / (C): 19-22 Max: 34-36
Autumn (F) Min: 53-70 Max: 74-93 / (C) Min: 12-21 Max: 23-34
الاثنين، 28 يونيو 2010
يومياتي في الطريق للعمل

....كأي فتاه شرقيه استيقظ صباحا احتسي فنجان القهوة واتجه العمل….
في الطريق الي العمل الاحظ العيون تحدق بي. واـتسأل عن السبب انضر الي ملابس الي شكلي لايوجد شي غريب؟؟؟؟؟
اصل الي العمل حارس المبني يحدق زميلي بالعمل ….. ولكن ماالسبب وهدا يتكرر معي كل يوم
في استراحة الغداء قررت مناقشة الامر مع زميلاتي عللي اعرف السبب.
فاتضح لي انناكلنا نعاني من نفس المشكلة. وهي التحديق او المعاكسات بغض النظر عن المستوى الجمالي او الاحتشام بالمظهر فكلنا لنا نفس النصيب
حيث اننا لانتمتع بالخصوصية ولا نستطيع ان ننزل للشارع بحرية دائما هناك عيون تلاحقنا او الفاظ خارجة عن النص تقال لنا
هده بلادنا العربية لا تحترم المراءة الشرقية الا من رحم ربي…..
وكل يوم و في طريقي للعمل
اتسأل بيني وبين نفسي متي استطيع ان افتح باب منزلي وانطلق الي العمل دون تعقيدات ودون عيون تحدق بجسدي لا عقلي
الي متي تظل المراءة الشرقية جسد يمشي لا عقل يفكر؟؟؟؟؟

it is a new day a new morning…….it is day full of life,i got my coffee at the same place at the same time 7:00, i did all the things like what i am doing all the week,but the missing thing it was you
your smile your lovely face ,i was there just in time with my coffe my books at the same table
but you are not there , i looked every where, gazed in the people faces ,i looked at the cars all of them there
every thing the same our friends,people walking around,all the same
but u are missing
and from that day i sart missing my smile my life
missing your smile
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